colormapMiss: Colored map with information about missing/imputed values

View source: R/colormapMiss.R

colormapMissR Documentation

Colored map with information about missing/imputed values


Colored map in which the proportion or amount of missing/imputed values in each region is coded according to a continuous or discrete color scheme. The sequential color palette may thereby be computed in the HCL or the RGB color space.


  imp_index = NULL,
  prop = TRUE,
  polysRegion = 1:length(x),
  range = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  col = c("red", "orange"),
  gamma = 2.2,
  fixup = TRUE,
  coords = NULL,
  numbers = TRUE,
  digits = 2,
  cex.numbers = 0.8,
  col.numbers = par("fg"),
  legend = TRUE,
  interactive = TRUE,

  n = 1000,
  horizontal = TRUE,
  digits = 2,
  cex.numbers = 0.8,
  col.numbers = par("fg"),



a numeric vector.


a vector or factor of the same length as x giving the regions.


an object of any class that contains polygons and provides its own plot method (e.g., "SpatialPolygons" from package sp).


a logical-vector indicating which values of ‘x’ have been imputed. If given, it is used for highlighting and the colors are adjusted according to the given colors for imputed variables (see col).


a logical indicating whether the proportion of missing/imputed values should be used rather than the total amount.


a numeric vector specifying the region that each polygon belongs to.


a numeric vector of length two specifying the range (minimum and maximum) of the proportion or amount of missing/imputed values to be used for the color scheme.


for colormapMiss, the number of equally spaced cut-off points for a discretized color scheme. If this is not a positive integer, a continuous color scheme is used (the default). In the latter case, the number of rectangles to be drawn in the legend can be specified in colormapMissLegend. A reasonably large number makes it appear continuously.


the color range (start end end) to be used. RGB colors may be specified as character strings or as objects of class "colorspace::RGB()". HCL colors need to be specified as objects of class "colorspace::polarLUV()". If only one color is supplied, it is used as end color, while the start color is taken to be transparent for RGB or white for HCL.


numeric; the display gamma value (see colorspace::hex()).


a logical indicating whether the colors should be corrected to valid RGB values (see colorspace::hex()).


a matrix or data.frame with two columns giving the coordinates for the labels.


a logical indicating whether the corresponding proportions or numbers of missing/imputed values should be used as labels for the regions.


the number of digits to be used in the labels (in case of proportions).


the character expansion factor to be used for the labels.


the color to be used for the labels.


a logical indicating whether a legend should be plotted.


a logical indicating whether more detailed information about missing/imputed values should be displayed interactively (see ‘Details’).


further arguments to be passed to plot.


left x position of the legend.


bottom y position of the legend.


right x position of the legend.


top y position of the legend.


a list as returned by colormapMiss that contains the required information for the legend.


a logical indicating whether the legend should be drawn horizontally or vertically.


The proportion or amount of missing/imputed values in x of each region is coded according to a continuous or discrete color scheme in the color range defined by col. In addition, the proportions or numbers can be shown as labels in the regions.

If interactive is TRUE, clicking in a region displays more detailed information about missing/imputed values on the console. Clicking outside the borders quits the interactive session.


colormapMiss returns a list with the following components:

  • nmiss a numeric vector containing the number of missing/imputed values in each region.

  • nobs a numeric vector containing the number of observations in each region.

  • pmiss a numeric vector containing the proportion of missing values in each region.

  • prop a logical indicating whether the proportion of missing/imputed values have been used rather than the total amount.

  • range the range of the proportion or amount of missing/imputed values corresponding to the color range.

  • n either a positive integer giving the number of equally spaced cut-off points for a discretized color scheme, or NULL for a continuous color scheme.

  • start the start color of the color scheme.

  • end the end color of the color scheme.

  • space a character string giving the color space (either "rgb" for RGB colors or "hcl" for HCL colors).

  • gamma numeric; the display gamma value (see colorspace::hex()).

  • fixup a logical indicating whether the colors have been corrected to valid RGB values (see colorspace::hex()).


Some of the argument names and positions have changed with versions 1.3 and 1.4 due to extended functionality and for more consistency with other plot functions in VIM. For back compatibility, the arguments cex.text and col.text can still be supplied to ...{} and are handled correctly. Nevertheless, they are deprecated and no longer documented. Use cex.numbers and col.numbers instead.


Andreas Alfons, modifications to show imputed values by Bernd Prantner


M. Templ, A. Alfons, P. Filzmoser (2012) Exploring incomplete data using visualization tools. Journal of Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Online first. DOI: 10.1007/s11634-011-0102-y.

See Also

colSequence(), growdotMiss(), mapMiss()

statistikat/VIM documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 3:20 a.m.