Vignette Info

This example appears in the book as: Section 11.2.2 (p 482-484; 488-489) Analysis of Confocal Data Section 11.3.2 (p 496-497) MANOVA Using MATLAB and R Codes

data <- confocal
ID <- data$FU_BA == "FU" & (data$PAT_ID == 16 | data$PAT_ID == 26)
data <- data[ID == FALSE, ]

d0 <- data[data$FU_BA == "BASELINE", ]
d5 <- data[data$FU_BA == "FU", ]

nT0 <- dim(d0)[1]/2
nT5 <- dim(d5)[1]/2

Test T vs. NT

D0 <- as.matrix(d0[1:nT0, -c(1:3)] - d0[-c(1:nT0), -c(1:3)])
D5 <- as.matrix(d5[1:nT5, -c(1:3)] - d5[-c(1:nT5), -c(1:3)])

B <- 200
p <- dim(D0)[2]
T0 <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), p))
T5 <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), p))

T0[1, ] <- apply(D0, 2, sum)
T5[1, ] <- apply(D5, 2, sum)

for (bb in 2:(B + 1)) {
    ## independently within variabiles

    S0 <- array(1 - 2 * rbinom(nT0 * p, 1, 0.5), dim = dim(D0))
    S5 <- array(1 - 2 * rbinom(nT5 * p, 1, 0.5), dim = dim(D5))

    for (j in 1:p) {
        T0[bb, j] <- D0[, j] %*% S0[, j]
        T5[bb, j] <- D5[, j] %*% S5[, j]

P0 <- t2p_old(abs(T0))
colnames(P0) <- colnames(D0)
P5 <- t2p_old(abs(T5))
colnames(P5) <- colnames(D5)

par.res <- cbind(P0[1, ], P5[1, ])
colnames(par.res) <- c("T0", "T5")


dom <- c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 5), 3, rep(4, 5))

TD0 <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), 4))
TD5 <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), 4))

for (k in 1:4) {

    TD0[, k] <- apply(as.matrix(P0[, dom == k]), 1, function(x) {
        -2 * log(prod(x))
    TD5[, k] <- apply(as.matrix(P5[, dom == k]), 1, function(x) {
        -2 * log(prod(x))

PD0 <- t2p_old(TD0)
PD5 <- t2p_old(TD5)
colnames(PD0) <- colnames(PD5) <- paste("dom", seq(1, 4), sep = "")
dom.res <- cbind(PD0[1, ], PD5[1, ])
colnames(dom.res) <- c("T0", "T5")

FU vs. Baseline

data <- confocal

dT <- data[data$T_NT == "T", ]
dNT <- data[data$T_NT == "NT", ]

IDT <- dT$PAT_ID == 16 | dT$PAT_ID == 26
IDNT <- dNT$PAT_ID == 16 | dNT$PAT_ID == 26

dT <- dT[IDT == FALSE, ]
dNT <- dNT[IDNT == FALSE, ]

dT <- as.matrix(dT[, -c(1:3)])
dNT <- as.matrix(dNT[, -c(1:3)])
p <- dim(dT)[2]
n <- dim(dT)[1]/2

DT <- dT[1:n, ] - dT[-c(1:n), ]
DNT <- dNT[1:n, ] - dNT[-c(1:n), ]

TT <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), p))
TNT <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), p))
TT[1, ] <- apply(DT, 2, sum)
TNT[1, ] <- apply(DNT, 2, sum)

for (bb in 2:(B + 1)) {
    ## independently within variables
    ST <- array(1 - 2 * rbinom(n * p, 1, 0.5), dim = dim(DT))
    SNT <- array(1 - 2 * rbinom(n * p, 1, 0.5), dim = dim(DNT))
    for (j in 1:p) {
        TT[bb, j] <- DT[, j] %*% ST[, j]
        TNT[bb, j] <- DNT[, j] %*% SNT[, j]

PT <- t2p_old(abs(TT))
PNT <- t2p_old(abs(TNT))
colnames(PT) <- colnames(dT)
colnames(PNT) <- colnames(PT)
TNT.res <- cbind(PT[1, ], PNT[1, ])
colnames(TNT.res) <- c("T", "NT")

FWE.res <- cbind(FWE.minP_old(PT), FWE.minP_old(PNT))
colnames(FWE.res) <- c("T", "NT")
rownames(FWE.res) <- colnames(dT)

Two-way ANOVA

data <- confocal
data <- data[data$PAT_ID != 16 & data$PAT_ID != 26, ]

x <- data[, 2:3]
x[, 1] <- ifelse(x[, 1] == "FU", 1, 2)
x[, 2] <- ifelse(x[, 2] == "T", 1, 2)

p <- dim(data)[2] - 3
P <- array(0, dim = c(p, 3))

C <- 2000

for (j in 4:(3 + p)) {
    y <- data[, j]
    t <- CSP(y, x, C = C)
    P[(j - 3), ] <- c(t$pa, t$pb, t$pab)
    print((j - 3))
rownames(P) <- colnames(data[, -c(1:3)])
colnames(P) <- c("FU/BASELINE", "T/NT", "Interaction")

y <- data[, 4]
t <- CSP(y, x)
# synchro.summary(t)

statlab/permuter documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:45 a.m.