Vignette Info

This example comes from the textbook section 8.4.4 (p 410-413).

Why is the data called PERC in the text but called PERCH in the code?

class <- c(rep("integer", 2), rep("factor", 23), rep("numeric", 6))

dose <- perch$dose
time <- perch$testtime
mouse <- perch$rat

data <- perch[, -c(1:3)]

B <- 100
p <- dim(data)[2]
t <- length(unique(time))

P <- array(1, dim = c((B + 1), p, t))

seed <- 101

for (k in 1:t) {
    tt <- unique(time)[k]
    cat("Time = ", as.factor(tt), "\n\n")
    for (j in 1:p) {
        cat <- ifelse(is.factor(data[, j]), 1, 0)
        tab <- table(data[time == tt, j])
        if (length(tab[tab > 0]) > 1) {
            dose.t <- dose[time == tt]
            P[, j, k] <- stoch.ord2(data[time == tt, j], dose.t, alt = -1, B = B, 
                cat = cat, seed = seed)
        cat("Processing variable:", j, "\n")

res <- P[1, , ]
rownames(res) <- colnames(data)
colnames(res) <- c("T0", "T4", "T24")
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
j <- 28
boxplot(data[time == 0, j] ~ as.factor(dose[time == 0]), xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Temperature", 
    main = "T0")
boxplot(data[time == 4, j] ~ as.factor(dose[time == 4]), xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Temperature", 
    main = "T4")
boxplot(data[time == 24, j] ~ as.factor(dose[time == 24]), xlab = "Dose", ylab = "Temperature", 
    main = "T24")


dom <- c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 4), rep(3, 6), rep(4, 3), rep(5, 6), rep(6, 3))
T.dom <- array(0, dim = c((B + 1), 6, t))
for (d in 1:6) {
    T.dom[, d, ] <- apply(P[, dom == d, ], c(1, 3), function(x) {
        -2 * log(prod(x))

P.dom <- t2p_old(T.dom)
res.dom <- P.dom[1, , ]
rownames(res.dom) <- c("Autonomic", "Sensorimotor", "Excitability", "Neuromuscular", 
    "Activity", "Physiologic")
colnames(res.dom) <- c("T0", "T4", "T24")

T.time <- array(0, dim = c(B + 1, 6))
for (d in 1:6) {
    T.time[, d] <- apply(P.dom[, d, ], 1, function(x) {
        -2 * log(prod(x))

P.time <- t2p_old(T.time)
res.glob.adj <- FWE.minP_old(P.time)
res.glob <- cbind(P.time[1, ], res.glob.adj)
rownames(res.glob) <- rownames(res.dom)
colnames(res.glob) <- c("p", "p.adj")

statlab/permuter documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:45 a.m.