control.dcm: Control Settings for Deterministic Compartmental Models

View source: R/dcm.inputs.R

control.dcmR Documentation

Control Settings for Deterministic Compartmental Models


Sets the controls for deterministic compartmental models simulated with dcm.


  dt = 1,
  odemethod = "rk4",
  dede = FALSE,
  new.mod = NULL,
  sens.param = TRUE,
  print.mod = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



Disease type to be modeled, with the choice of "SI" for Susceptible-Infected diseases, "SIR" for Susceptible-Infected-Recovered diseases, and "SIS" for Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible diseases.


Number of time steps to solve the model over or vector of times to solve the model over. If the number of time steps, then this must be a positive integer of length 1.


Time unit for model solutions, with the default of 1. Model solutions for fractional time steps may be obtained by setting this to a number between 0 and 1.


Ordinary differential equation (ODE) integration method, with the default of the "Runge-Kutta 4" method (see deSolve::ode for other options).


If TRUE, use the delayed differential equation solver, which allows for time-lagged variables.


If not running a base model type, a function with a new model to be simulated (see details).


If TRUE, evaluate arguments in parameters with length greater than 1 as sensitivity analyses, with one model run per value of the parameter. If FALSE, one model will be run with parameters of arbitrary length (the model may error unless the model function is designed to accomodate parameter vectors).


If TRUE, print the model form to the console.


If TRUE, print model progress to the console.


additional control settings passed to model.


control.dcm sets the required control settings for any deterministic compartmental models solved with the dcm function. Controls are required for both base model types and original models. For an overview of control settings for base DCM class models, consult the Basic DCMs tutorial. For all base models, the type argument is a necessary parameter and it has no default.


An EpiModel object of class control.dcm.

New Model Functions

The form of the model function for base models may be displayed with the print.mod argument set to TRUE. In this case, the model will not be run. These model forms may be used as templates to write original model functions.

These new models may be input and solved with dcm using the new.mod argument, which requires as input a model function. Details and examples are found in the New DCMs tutorial.

See Also

Use param.dcm to specify model parameters and init.dcm to specify the initial conditions. Run the parameterized model with dcm.

statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.