Man pages for statnet/EpiModelHIVhet
EpiModel for HIV-1 Infection among Heterosexual Couples in Sub-Saharan Africa

aging_hetAging Module
births_hetBirths Module
cd4_hetCD4 Progression Module
control_hetControl Settings for Stochastic Network Model of HIV-1...
deaths_hetDeaths Module
dx_hetHIV Diagnosis Module
edges_correct_hetAdjustment for the Edges Coefficient with Changing Network...
EpiModelHIVhet-packageEpiModelHIVhet Package
infect_hetInfection Module
InitErgmTerm.absdiffbyDefinition for absdiffby ERGM Term
init_hetInitial Conditions for Stochastic Network Model of HIV-1...
initialize_hetInitialization Module
ltGhanaLife Table for Ghana
make_nw_hetCalculate Network Statistics
param_hetParameters for Stochastic Network Model of HIV-1 Infection in...
prevalence_hetPrevalence Module
reinit_hetReinitialization Module
setBirthAttr_hetAssign Vertex Attributes at Network Entry
simnet_hetNetwork Resimulation Module
tx_hetHIV Anti-Retroviral Treatment Module
verbose_hetVerbose Module
vl_hetViral Load Module
statnet/EpiModelHIVhet documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:47 a.m.