nearsimmelian-ergmTerm-ba85787e: Near simmelian triads

nearsimmelian-ergmTermR Documentation

Near simmelian triads


This term adds one statistic to the model equal to the number of near Simmelian triads, as defined by Krackhardt and Handcock (2007). This is a sub-graph of size three which is exactly one tie short of being complete.


# binary: nearsimmelian


This term can only be used with directed networks.

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{ergm:::.formatTermKeywords("ergmTerm", "nearsimmelian", "subsection")}

statnet/ergm documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 2:26 a.m.