smalldiff-ergmTerm-11cc89ad: Number of ties between actors with similar attribute values

smalldiff-ergmTermR Documentation

Number of ties between actors with similar attribute values


This term adds one statistic, having as its value the number of edges in the network for which the incident actors' attribute values differ less than cutoff ; that is, number of edges between i to j such that abs(attr[i]-attr[j])<cutoff .


# binary: smalldiff(attr, cutoff)



a vertex attribute specification (see Specifying Vertex attributes and Levels (?nodal_attributes) for details.)


difference in attribute values for ties to be considered

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{ergm:::.formatTermKeywords("ergmTerm", "smalldiff", "subsection")}

statnet/ergm documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 12:37 a.m.