Man pages for statsmaths/smodels
Consistent format for fitting models

ConfIntConfidence interval summaries
QuantileSummaryQuantile summaries
SingleSummaryNumeric Summaries
sm_check_downloadCheck if a local file exists and otherwise download it
sm_dunn_llCompute Dunn Likelihood scores
sm_graph_layoutAdd network metadata and layout information
sm_graph_metadataAdd network metadata to edge and node lists
sm_kmeansCreate a data frame of Kmeans clusters
sm_kwicKeywords in Context
sm_lda_topicsCompute Tidy LDA Topic Model
sm_skip_ngramSkip N-Grams
sm_spectral_clusterCreate a data frame of Kmeans clusters
sm_text_tfidfConstruct the TF-IDF Matrix from Annotation or Data Frame
sm_tidy_angle_distanceCreate a data frame of pairwise Cosine similarities
sm_tidy_distanceCreate a data frame of pairwise (Euclidiean) distances
sm_tidy_glmnetCreate a data frame of elastic net coefficents
sm_tidy_matrixTidy a Matrix Object
sm_tidy_pcaCreate a data frame of principal components
sm_tidy_umapCreate a data frame of umap components
sm_to_pixelUnravel Nested Dataset of Images into Pixels
theme_smMinimal theme perfect for presentations
statsmaths/smodels documentation built on Jan. 9, 2021, 1:07 p.m.