Man pages for stavakol/covsep
Tests for Determining if the Covariance Structure of 2-Dimensional Data is Separable

C1A covariance matrix
C2A covariance matrix
clt_testTest for separability of covariance operators for Gaussian...
covsepcovsep: tests for determining if the covariance structure of...
difference_fullcovcompute the difference between the full sample covariance and...
empirical_bootstrap_testProjection-based empirical bootstrap test for separability of...
gaussian_bootstrap_testProjection-based Gaussian (parametric) bootstrap test for...
generate_surface_dataGenerate surface data
HS_empirical_bootstrap_testEmpirical bootstrap test for separability of covariance...
HS_gaussian_bootstrap_testGaussian (parametric) bootstrap test for separability of...
marginal_covariancesestimates marginal covariances (e.g. row and column...
projected_differencesCompute the projection of the rescaled difference between the...
renormalize_mtnormrenormalize a matrix normal random matrix to have iid entries
rmtnormGenerate a sample from a Matrix Gaussian distribution
SurfacesDataA data set of surfaces
stavakol/covsep documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:43 a.m.