Man pages for stavakol/ftsspec
Spectral Density Estimation and Comparison for Functional Time Series

Epanechnikov_kernelThe Epanechnikov weight function, with support in [-1,1]
ftsspecftsspec: collection of functions for estimating spectral...
Generate_filterMAGenerate the Filter of a multivariate MA process
Get_noise_sdGet the square root of the covariance matrix associated to a...
lines.SampleSpecDiffFreqPlotting function for 'SampleSpecDiffFreq' class
Marginal_basis_pvalCompute the marginal p-values at each basis coefficients of...
plot.SampleSpecPlotting method for object inheriting from class 'SampleSpec'
plot.SampleSpecDiffFreqPlotting function for 'SampleSpecDiffFreq' class
plot.SampleSpecDiffFreqCurvelengthPlotting method for class 'SampleSpecDiffFreqCurvelength'
plot.SpecMAPlotting method for object inheriting from class 'SpecMA'
print.SampleSpecDiffFreqCurvelengthPrinting method for class 'SampleSpecDiffFreqCurvelength'
PvalAdjustGeneric function to adjust pvalues
Simulate_new_MASimulate a new Moving Average (MA) vector time series and...
SpecCompute Spectral Density of Functional Time Series
Spec_compare_fixed_freqTest if two spectral density operators at some fixed...
Spec_compare_localize_freqCompare the spectral density operator of two Functional Time...
Spec_compare_localize_freq_curvelengthCompare the spectral density operator of two Functional Time...
SpecMA'Spectral density operator of a MA vector process' Object
stavakol/ftsspec documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:43 a.m.