Man pages for stc04003/reReg
Recurrent Event Regression

basebindFunction used to combine baseline functions in one plot
plotEventsProduce Event Plots
plotEvents.controlPlot options for plotEvents
plotHazPlot the Baseline Cumulative Hazard Function for the Terminal...
plotRatePlotting the Baseline Cumulative Rate Function for the...
plot.RecurProduce Event Plot or Mean Cumulative Function Plot
plot.reRegPlot the Baseline Cumulative Rate Function and the Baseline...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reRegFits Semiparametric Regression Models for Recurrent Event...
reReg.controlPackage options for reReg
reReg-packagereReg: Recurrent Event Regression
residuals.reRegCalculate Residuals for a 'reReg' Fit
reSurvCreate an 'reSurv' Object
simDatSimulated dataset for demonstration
simGSCFunction to generate simulated recurrent event data
stc04003/reReg documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 8:38 a.m.