Man pages for stefanocoretta/tidymv
Tidy Model Visualisation for Generalised Additive Models

create_start_eventCreate a start event column.
find_differenceReturn the regions in which the smooth is significantly...
geom_smooth_ciSmooths and confidence intervals.
get_differenceGet model predictions for differences between conditions.
get_gam_predictionsGet predictions from a GAM model.
get_smooths_differenceGet difference of smooths from a GAM model
inter_dfDataset with two factors
plot_differencePlot difference smooth from a GAM.
plot_gamsd-defunctPlot GAM estimate smooths and difference curve.
plot_smoothsPlot GAM smooths.
pois_dfDataset with a Poisson outcome variable
predict_gamGet predictions from a GAM model.
summary_dataPrint a descriptive summary of a data frame.
tidymv-defunctDeprecated functions in package 'tidymv'.
tidymv-packagetidymv: Tidy Model Visualisation for Generalised Additive...
stefanocoretta/tidymv documentation built on May 12, 2023, 1:57 p.m.