Man pages for stefanwilhelm/spatialprobit
Spatial Probit Models

CKMColeman, Katz, Menzel "Innovation among Physicians" dataset
coef.sarprobitExtract Model Coefficients
c.sarprobitCombine different SAR probit estimates into one
fittedFitted values of spatial probit/Tobit models
KatrinaNew Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane...
kNearestNeighborsBuild Spatial Weight Matrix from k Nearest Neighbors
LeSagePaceExperimentReplicate the LeSage and Pace (2009), section 10.1.5...
logLikLog Likelihood for spatial probit models (SAR probit, SEM...
marginal.effects.sarprobitMarginal effects for spatial probit and Tobit models (SAR...
plot.sarprobitPlot Diagnostics for 'sarprobit', 'semprobit' or 'sartobit'...
sar_eigscompute the eigenvalues for the spatial weight matrix W
sar_lndetApproximation of the log determinant ln|I_n - rho*W| of a...
sarorderedprobitBayesian estimation of the SAR ordered probit model
sarprobitBayesian estimation of the SAR probit model
sartobitBayesian estimation of the SAR Tobit model
semprobitBayesian estimation of the SEM probit model
summaryPrint the results of the spatial probit/Tobit estimation via...
stefanwilhelm/spatialprobit documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 10:05 p.m.