CKM | Coleman, Katz, Menzel "Innovation among Physicians" dataset |
coef.sarprobit | Extract Model Coefficients |
c.sarprobit | Combine different SAR probit estimates into one |
fitted | Fitted values of spatial probit/Tobit models |
Katrina | New Orleans business recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane... |
kNearestNeighbors | Build Spatial Weight Matrix from k Nearest Neighbors |
LeSagePaceExperiment | Replicate the LeSage and Pace (2009), section 10.1.5... |
logLik | Log Likelihood for spatial probit models (SAR probit, SEM... |
marginal.effects.sarprobit | Marginal effects for spatial probit and Tobit models (SAR... |
plot.sarprobit | Plot Diagnostics for 'sarprobit', 'semprobit' or 'sartobit'... |
sar_eigs | compute the eigenvalues for the spatial weight matrix W |
sar_lndet | Approximation of the log determinant ln|I_n - rho*W| of a... |
sarorderedprobit | Bayesian estimation of the SAR ordered probit model |
sarprobit | Bayesian estimation of the SAR probit model |
sartobit | Bayesian estimation of the SAR Tobit model |
semprobit | Bayesian estimation of the SEM probit model |
summary | Print the results of the spatial probit/Tobit estimation via... |
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