Man pages for steffilazerte/LITAP
Landscape Integrated Terrain Analysis Package

argsCommon arguments for 'flow_mapper()', 'form_mapper()',...
dot-onLoadDealing with CRAN Notes due to Non-standard evaluation
facet_mapperCalculate landform facets using LSM logic
flow_mapperMap flow through the landscape
flow_plotCreate plots of water flow
form_mapperMap form and relief of the landscape
load_fileLoad and prep elevation data
merge_allCombine flow and form output dems
pipePipe operator
slope_gcCalculate slope gradient and curvature, and hills
test_demTest DEM
wepp_mapperCalculate spatial entities required for WEPP
steffilazerte/LITAP documentation built on Feb. 9, 2022, 8:11 a.m.