Man pages for steffilazerte/cavityuse
Detecting Cavity Use From Geolocator Data

calibGeolocator data recording sunrise and sunset
cavity_detectSummarize light into bouts of cavity use
cavity_plotPlot light data
cavity_splitSplit cavity use data by different time frames
cavityuse-packageAn R package for detecting cavity use from geolocator data
flickerGeolocator data for single flicker individual
flicker_multGeolocator data for two flicker individuals
sun_detectDetect patterns of sunrise and sunset
sun_timesGet sunrise/sunset times
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tz_apply_offsetApply tz offset without changing timezone
tz_find_offsetUse location to find TZ offset
tz_remove_offsetRemove timezone offset
wtspGeolocator data for single white-throated sparrow individual
steffilazerte/cavityuse documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 11:22 p.m.