
  1. mice package at CRAN
  2. mice GitHUB repository


The mice package can be installed from CRAN as follows:


The latest version can be installed from GitHub as follows:


Capabilities of mice package

The mice package contains functions to

Main functions

The main functions in the mice package are:

Function name | Description -------------------|--------------------------------- mice() | Impute the missing data $m$ times with() | Analyze completed data sets pool() | Combine parameter estimates complete() | Export imputed data ampute() | Generate missing data

Course materials

  1. Handling Missing Data in R with mice
  2. Statistical Methods for combined data sets


  1. Ad hoc methods and the MICE algorithm
  2. Convergence and pooling
  3. Inspecting how the observed data and missingness are related
  4. Passive imputation and post-processing
  5. Combining inferences
  6. Imputing multilevel data
  7. Sensitivity analysis with mice
  8. Generate missing values with ampute
  9. parlMICE: Parallel MICE imputation wrapper
  10. futuremice: Wrapper for parallel MICE imputation through futures

Related packages

Packages that extend the functionality of mice include:

  1. ImputeRobust: Multiple Imputation with GAMLSS
  2. countimp: Incomplete count data
  3. miceadds: Functions for multilevel imputation
  4. micemd: Functions for multilevel imputation
  5. smcfcs: Addressing incompatibility in selected models
  6. fancyimpyute: MICE in Python for ordinal data

Further reading

  1. mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R in the Journal of Statistical Software [@VANBUUREN2011].
  2. The first application on missing blood pressure data [@VANBUUREN1999].
  3. Term Fully Conditional Specification describes a general class of methods that specify imputations model for multivariate data as a set of conditional distributions [@VANBUUREN2006].
  4. Details about imputing mixes of numerical and categorical data can be found in [@VANBUUREN2007].
  5. Book Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition [@VANBUUREN2018].

Code from publications

  1. R code from Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition
  2. R code from mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R


stefvanbuuren/mice documentation built on May 6, 2024, 12:17 p.m.