
#' pasilla
#' pasilla gene count data in SummarizedExperiment format
#' @format  A SummarizedExperiment object with the 7 pasilla samples. Generated from the code in data-raw/pasilla.R.
#' @source \url{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/html/pasilla.html}
#' @usage data(pasilla)

#' de_gate_gates
#' Stefano's gate list
#' @format  A list of gates to use. Gates consist of x and y coordinates.
#' @usage data(de_gate_gates)

#' cell_type_df
#' Stefano's cell type df
#' @format  A list of gates to use. Gates consist of x and y coordinates.
#' @usage data(cell_type_df)

#' Subset of the TCGA BRCA data set
#' @format  A tidy data frame.
#' @usage data(BRCA)

#' pbmc_small
#' A small Seurat dadaset of single cell RNA sequencing data
#' @format  A Seurat object.
#' @usage data(pbmc_small)
stemangiola/rpharma2020_tidytranscriptomics documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 9:41 p.m.