🌴 Rasta

R interpreter for Stencila executable documents

Build Status Code coverage CRAN Docs


Rasta is available as a R package. It isn't on CRAN yet, but you can install it from this repository using the remotes package,



Register Rasta so that it can be discovered by other executors on your machine,


If you have executa installed globally, you can then run Rasta using the execute command and specifying r as the starting language,

executa execute --repl --lang r


Get started by cloning this repository,

git clone
cd rasta

Then install the necessary development dependencies,

make setup

Most development tasks can be run from R, using make shortcuts, or RStudio keyboard shortcuts.

Task | make | R/RStudio | ------------------------------------------------------- |-----------------------|-----------------| Install development dependencies | make setup | devtools::install_dev_deps() Run linting | make lint | lintr::lint_package() Run R tests | make test-r | devtools::test() or Ctrl+Shift+T Run C++ tests | make test-cpp | Run all tests | make test Run tests with coverage | make cover | covr::package_coverage() Run benchmarks | make bench | Build documentation | make docs | Check the package | make check | Ctrl+Shift+E Build | make build | Ctrl+Shift+B Clean | make clean |


Unit tests live in the tests folder. Most of the tests are written using the testthat package. When writing regression tests for a specific issues, please name the test file accordingly e.g. tests/testthat/test-issue-1.R. There is also a tests/cpp folder for C++ tests and a tests/bench folder for benchmarking.


Documentation is written using roxygen2 and the documentation site is generated by pkgdown into the docs folder and published on GitHub pages at

Continuous integration

Tests are run on Azure Pipelines and code coverage tracked at Codecov.


stencila/rasta documentation built on Oct. 12, 2021, 10:26 p.m.