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#' C++ implementation of univariate Normal of mean zero pdf for multiple inputs
#'@param x vector of inputs
#'@param m vector of means
#'@param sd the standard deviation
#'@param Log logical flag for returning the log of the probability density
#'function. Defaults is \code{TRUE}
#'@return matrix of densities of dimension \code{p x n}.
dnormC_multi <- function(x, m, sd, Log = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_sslcov_dnormC_multi`, x, m, sd, Log)

#'C++ implementation of empirical cdf
#'@param sobs the observation for which the cdf is to be evaluated
#'@param sref the reference observations from which the cdf is to be constructed
#'@useDynLib sslcov
#'fi <- rnorm(n=1000)
#'n_new <- 100
#'fnew <- rnorm(n=n_new)
#'microbenchmark(#sum.I(c(fi, fnew), FUN=">=", fnew)/n_new,
#'    ecdf(fnew)(c(fi, fnew)),
#'    ecdf_cpp(c(fi, fnew), sort(fnew))/n_new
ecdf_cpp <- function(sobs, sref) {
    .Call(`_sslcov_ecdf_cpp`, sobs, sref)
stepcie/sslcov documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:39 p.m.