Man pages for stephaniehicks/quantro
A test for when to use quantile normalization

anovaAccessors for the 'anova' slot of a quantro object.
flowSortedA subset of FlowSorted.DLPFC.450k data set
matboxplotBox plots of columns in a matrix
matdensityDensity plots of columns in a matrix
MSbetweenAccessors for the 'MSbetween' slot of a quantro object.
MSwithinAccessors for the 'MSwithin' slot of a quantro object.
quantroPlotPlot results from 'quantro' function.
quantroPvalPermAccessors for the 'quantroPvalPerm' slot of a quantro object.
quantroStatAccessors for the 'quantroStat' slot of a quantro object.
quantroStatPermAccessors for the 'quantroStatPerm' slot of a quantro object.
summaryAccessors for the 'summary' slot of a quantro object.
stephaniehicks/quantro documentation built on Nov. 7, 2022, 1:42 p.m.