trialcostR-package: Trial cost-effectiveness tools for R

Description Details Author(s)


Simple tools for cost-effectiveness analysis of trials in R


Provides three classes; Trial, ExtendTrial, and Utility Trial, and provides generics for calculating life expectancy, with or without discounting, and a generic for calculating quality-adjusted life expectancy.

The base class Trial does not allow for any beyond-trial extension or censoring, and so life expectancy is given by the follow-up time, or discounted from the follow-up time.

The ExtendTrial class allows for a new follow-up time to be specified and accepts hazard data so that the life expectancy up to the new follow-up time can be estimated. Both censored and uncensored observations are accepted, where uncensored observations' (discounted) life-expectancy are given by the original (discounted) follow-up times.

The UtilityTrial class further allows for the specification of health states and the utility of those health states.

Discounting is applied continuously by exponential functions.

Hazard data is allowed to vary by outcome, and the hazard is assumed constant on each time interval specified, but is otherwise treated as a continuous function of time. Time interval data is continuous and not restricted to any discrete time scale (e.g. whole years etc)

Health state utilities, like hazard data, can vary by outcome, and are assumed constant within each health state time interval. The time interval data is continuous as per hazard time intervals.

All calculations are performed by exact integrals (of, essentially, step-like functions for hazards and health state utility).

This code is licensed under the MIT license, and you may use this package strictly under those terms


Stephen Wade

stephematician/trialcostR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:18 p.m.