population_dynamics: Define population dynamics.

population_dynamicsR Documentation

Define population dynamics.


A population_dynamics object is used to describe how populations change in space and time.


  change = NULL,
  dispersal = NULL,
  modification = NULL,
  density_dependence = NULL,
  dynamics_order = c("change", "dispersal", "modification", "density_dependence")



population_change_functions to define how population growth occurs at each timestep


population_dispersal_functions to define how the population disperses at each timestep


population_modification_functions to define any deterministic changes to the population - such as translocations or population control - at each timestep


population_density_dependence_functions to control density dependence effects on the population at each timestep


the order in which the population dynamics should be executed on the landscape object - default is "change" -> "dispersal" -> "modification" -> "density_dependence". Note, if population dynamics are reordered, all dynamics must be listed in dynamics_order.


A population_dynamics object is passed to simulation and defines how populations change between timesteps. Note, some dynamics functions can be executed at non-regular intervals (i.e. only timesteps explicitly defined by the user). The population_dynamics function is used to construct an object with several population dynamics functions and their associated parameters. These functions specify how the population in the landscape object will be modified throughout a simulation. The dynamics can be executed in any order that is specified by the user. It is cautioned that the order of dynamics will have implications depending on whether the user has assumed a post-breeding or pre-breeding census in the transition matrix. For more information on this, please refer to Kendall et al, (2019) Ecological Applications.


An object of class population_dynamics


# Example of setting up population dynamics to only use a population change function.

## Not run: 
ls <- landscape(population = egk_pop, suitability = NULL, carrying_capacity = NULL)

pd <- population_dynamics(change = growth(egk_mat))

simulation(landscape = ls, population_dynamics = pd, habitat_dynamics = NULL, timesteps = 20)

## End(Not run)

steps-dev/steps documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 10:51 p.m.