reporthitscores: Report Hit Scores

Description Usage Value Author(s) References See Also


Calculates hit score values for sources given a previously generated geoprofile. Requires both loaded in sources (i.e. sources is not set to "NULL" in LoadData) and an object hitscoremat the result of ThinandAnalyse.





A data frame of three columns and a number of rows equal to the length of sources. The rows are: the longitude of the soruces, the latitude of the sources and the hit score of the source


MD, Stevenson


For a discussion of hit score values and their use in geographic profiling in Biology see: Stevenson et al. (2012) Geographic Profiling as a novel spatial tool for targeting the control of invasive species. Ecography. Where this method of assessing search strategies is defined.

See Also

LoadData, ThinandAnalyse

stevenlecomber/Rgeoprofile-1.1.0 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:46 p.m.