Man pages for steveped/incucyteR
Process Incucyte Growth Curve Data

addCumulative-methodsAdd cumulative values to the assays
assay2long-methodsConvert assayData to long form
dot-checkAssaysCheck assays
dot-getWellItemExtract well metadata
dot-parseIncucyteParsing function for Incucyte output
dot-parsePlateMapParsing function for Incucyte PlateMap
IncucyteExperimentThe IncucyteExperiment Class
plotAssayMerged-methodsPlot the assayData merged across replicate wells
plotAssayRaw-methodsPlot the raw assayData
plotPlateMap-methodsVisualise the Incucyte PlateMap
summariseBy-methodsSummarise Treatments from an IncucyteExperiment object
steveped/incucyteR documentation built on Sept. 7, 2020, 12:22 p.m.