Man pages for steviep42/PWS
Final Project for STATS290

deg.distFunction to compute the distance between two points - lat/lon...
getHistInfo-methodsMethod to retrieve specific info from a station from a Hist...
getHist-methodsMethod for obtaining weather history for a weather object...
getLatLonGiven a City name return a lat lon
getLocsByRadius-methods~~ Methods for Function getLocsByRadius ~~
getPlacesSupport function for getLatLon
getStationsA function to get a list of Personal Weather Station names
getWeatherA function for getting weather data for a list of weather...
getWeatherDataA user function for getting a list of weather reports for...
getWobjData-methodsAccessor Method for PWS Weather Objects
myWeatherHist-classClass "myWeatherHist"
myWeatherObj-classClass "myWeatherObj"
PWS-packagePersonal Weather Station finder
steviep42/PWS documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:39 p.m.