  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"
YOURAPIKEYHERE = getOption('ZillowR-zws_id')


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The goal of realEstAnalytics is to provide an R function for each zillow API service, making it easy to make API calls and process the responses into R-friendly data structures.


The package is hosted at


You can install the released version of realEstAnalytics from Github with:

``` {r, eval=FALSE} library(devtools) devtools::install_github("xiyuansun/realEstAnalytics")

## Example

Here are some basic examples of interfacing with Zillow's API in `R`. All calls to the API require a unique Zillow API key, which you can acquire by signing up at .

First, you should always set your API key, also known as a Zillow Web Service ID (ZWSID):


#set the ZWS_ID
#retrieve the current ZWS_ID in use
zapi_key = getOption('ZillowR-zws_id')

You can get basic information on a property based on its address using GetDeepSearchResults. The return is a dataframe with the property's estimated value as well as other characteristics (i.e., bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.). To get results for more than one address at once, we recommend GetDeepSearchResults_dataframe rather than using an apply() or other mapping function.

GetDeepSearchResults('600 S. Quail Ct.', city='Newton',state='KS', zipcode=NULL,

Use the GetComps or GetDeepComps to get comparable properties for a given Zillow Property ID (limit 25 comparables). The return is a data frame with just the comparable addresses and their Zestimate values, with more property information available with GetDeepComps.

#retrieve the zpid from GetDeepSearchResults
zpidex <- GetDeepSearchResults('600 S. Quail Ct.', zipcode=67114,
                     rentzestimate=TRUE, api_key=getOption('ZillowR-zws_id'))$zpid

#GetComps for the '600 S. Quail Ct.' address
GetComps(zpidex, count=10, rentzestimate=TRUE, api_key = getOption('ZillowR-zws_id'))

You can get the Zestimate (Zillow's estimated home value) with GetZestimate. The return is a data frame with the Zillow-estimated value of the home, either the property value or the estimated rental value (if rentzestimate=TRUE). This function works with either a single Zillow property ID or a vector of IDs:

GetZestimate(zpids= zpidex ,
             rentzestimate=TRUE , api_key=getOption('ZillowR-zws_id'))

There are also a few options for retrieving non-API data. Get the time series of property values aggregated by region and type with get_rental_listings and/or get_ZHVI_series. These return dataframes of time series data for the selected geographic aggregation level and property type, read from a static .csv hosted by Zillow. For options on the arguments, see the introduction vignette.

#Pull the data by state and zipcode for 4 bedrooms
cityseries <- get_ZHVI_series(bedrooms=4,geography="Zip")


Please see the vignette (under articles) to see further documentation and examples of realEstAnalytics' capabilities.

stharms/realEstAnalytics.r documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:57 a.m.