Man pages for stpp-GitHub-community/stpp
Space-Time Point Pattern Simulation, Visualisation and Analysis

animationSpace-time data animation
as.3dpointCreate data in spatio-temporal point format
ASTIKhatAnisotropic Space-Time Inhomogeneous K-function
fmd2001 food-and-mouth epidemic, north Cumbria (UK)
gspSpatial mark variogram function
gteTemporal mark variogram function
is.3dpointsSpatio-temporal point objects
KLISTAhatEstimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous K LISTA functions
kmmrSpatial mark correlation function
kmmtTemporal mark correlation function
kmrSpatial r-mark function
kmtTemporal t-mark function
LISTAhatEstimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous Pair Correlation...
northcumbriaPolygon boundary of north Cumbria
PCFhatEstimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous Pair Correlation...
plotKPlot the estimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous...
plotPCFPlot the estimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous Pair...
plot.stppPlot for spatio-temporal point objects
rinfecGenerate infection point patterns
rinterGenerate interaction point patterns
rlgcpGenerate log-Gaussian Cox point patterns
rpcpGenerate Poisson cluster point patterns
rppGenerate Poisson point patterns
sim.stppGenerate spatio-temporal point patterns
stan(3D) space-time data animation
stdcppGenerate double-cluster point pattern
sthpcppSpatio-temporal hot-spots cluster point process model
STIKhatEstimation of the Space-Time Inhomogeneous K-function
stpp-packageSpace-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and...
stpp-GitHub-community/stpp documentation built on July 19, 2024, 4:30 p.m.