stpp-package: Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and...

stppR Documentation

Space-Time Point Pattern simulation, visualisation and analysis


This package provides models of spatio-temporal point processes in a region S\times T and statistical tools for analysing global and local second-order properties of such processes. It also includes static and dynamic (2D and 3D) plots. stpp is the first dedicated unified computational environment in the area of spatio-temporal point processes.

The stpp package depends upon some other packages:

splancs: spatial and space-time point pattern analysis

rgl: interactive 3D plotting of densities and surfaces

rpanel: simple interactive controls for R using tcltk package

KernSmooth: functions for kernel smoothing for Wand & Jones (1995)

plot3D: Tools for plotting 3-D and 2-D data

ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics


stpp is a package for simulating, analysing and visualising patterns of points in space and time.

Following is a summary of the main functions and the dataset in the stpp package.

To visualise a spatio-temporal point pattern

  • animation: space-time data animation.

  • as.3dpoints: create data in spatio-temporal point format.

  • plot.stpp: plot spatio-temporal point object. Either a two-panels plot showing spatial locations and cumulative times, or a one-panel plot showing spatial locations with times treated as a quantitative mark attached to each location.

  • stan: 3D space-time animation.

To simulate spatio-temporal point patterns

  • rinfec: simulate an infection point process,

  • rinter: simulate an interaction (inhibition or contagious) point process,

  • rlgcp: simulate a log-Gaussian Cox point process,

  • rpcp: simulate a Poisson cluster point process,

  • rpp: simulate a Poisson point process,

  • stdcpp: simulate a double-cluster point process,

  • sthpcpp: simulate a hot-spot point process.

To analyse spatio-temporal point patterns

  • PCFhat: space-time inhomogeneous pair correlation function,

  • STIKhat: space-time inhomogeneous K-function,

  • ASTIKhat: Anisotropic space-time inhomogeneous K-function,

  • LISTAhat: space-time inhomogeneous pair correlation LISTA funcrions.

  • KLISTAhat: space-time inhomogeneous K LISTA functions.

  • gsp: Spatial mark variogram function.

  • gte: Temporal mark variogram function.

  • kmr: Spatial r-mark function

  • kmt: Temporal t-mark function.

  • kmmr: Spatial mark correlation functionn.

  • kmmt: Temporal mark correlation function.


fmd: 2001 food-and-mouth epidemic in north Cumbria (UK).


Edith Gabriel <>, Peter J. Diggle, Barry Rowlingson and Francisco J. Rodriguez-Cortes


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