Summary of plots we looked at during this initial hacakthon

quick scan for weird data points

#Load some libraries

phenotypic distributions in the database

Here is the distribution of phenotypes across non-farm experiments. The numbers correspond to the number of lines assessed for that phenotype not the number of plants

with(phenolong %>% filter(meta.experiment != "farm") %>% select(accession,experiment,variable) %>% distinct(),

Let's check the distribution of values for each phenotype

ggplot(phenolong,aes(value)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~variable,scales = "free",ncol=4)

Several weird values for several phenotypes

Now look at problematic data (extreme values)

Here are the treatments and experiments with leaf.numbers greater than 50

phenolong %>% filter(variable=="leaf.number",value>50)%>%select(experiment,treatment)%>%distinct()

Looks ok, these are all from cofc-second (big pots and fert), we'll keep em.

Some automated vetting of observations

I'm going to flag points that are outside the central 90% of all values for a phenotype as suspect. We can then switch this off and on and look at the outlier effect in analyses below

phenoquant <- phenolong %>% group_by(variable) %>% summarise(quant05 = quantile(value,0.05,na.rm=T),quant95 = quantile(value,0.95,na.rm=T))
phenolong.quant = left_join(phenolong,phenoquant)
phenolong.quant$inrange <- with(phenolong.quant,ifelse((quant95>=value)&(quant05<=value),TRUE,FALSE))
phenolong = phenolong.quant

For example, look at the ggplot from above now

ggplot(phenolong%>%filter(inrange),aes(value)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~variable,scales = "free",ncol=4)

Biology instead of data integrity

experiment 1 results

Line means with columbia indicated in red and phytometers in blue. Outliers excluded

exp1long <- phenolong %>% filter(meta.experiment=="1",inrange) %>% group_by(variable,accession) %>% summarise(value=mean(value,na.rm=T)) 
exp1.col = exp1long %>% filter(accession%in%c("CS70000","CS60000"))
exp1.phyt = exp1long %>% filter(grepl("CS",accession))
  tmpphen = exp1long[exp1long$variable==ph,]
  if (ph=="fruitnum") {tmpphen = tmpphen[tmpphen$value<400,]}
  tmpphyt=exp1.phyt %>% filter(variable==ph)
  tmpcol=exp1.col %>% filter(variable==ph)
  points(y=rep(0,dim(tmpphyt)[1]),x=tmpphyt$value, col="blue",pch=16, cex=1.1) #phytometers
  points(y=rep(0,dim(tmpcol)[1]),x=tmpcol$value, col="red",pch=16, cex=1.1) # columbia especially

Pairwise comparisons (outliers excluded)

phenos<- c("aborted.fruits","avg.fruit.length","basal.branch","","","fruitnum","germinants.14d","inflorescence.height", "ttl.maininfl.branch")
exp1long <- exp1long %>% filter(variable %in% phenos)
exp1wide <- cast(exp1long)
paircompare <- exp1wide[,-1]

stranda/unpakathonJan2016 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:56 p.m.