Man pages for stuartWagenius/mateable
Assess Mating Potential in Space and Time

compatibilityMake potentials object-mating type compatibility
dailyOMPCalculate daily outcrossed mating potential
ech2012Information about mating scene at sites eelr and nwlf in...
kNearNeighborsGet k Nearest Neighbors
makeSceneCreate a matingScene object from a data frame
mateable-packageTools to simulate, manage, visualize, and jointly analyze...
matingSummarySummarize a Mating Scene
overlapPairwise Mating Timing Comparison
pairDistDistance Matrix for a mating scene
plot3DPotentialgraphical visualization of multiple mating potential objects
plot3DScenemulti-dimensional visualization of mating scene object
plotPotentialgraphical visualization of a mating potential object
plotScenegraphical visualization of a mating scene object
proximityMake potentials object-spatial proximity
receptivityByDayMating Receptivity by Day
simulateSceneSimulate a Mating Scene
synchronyMake potentials object-mating synchrony
stuartWagenius/mateable documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 2:33 p.m.