Man pages for stulacy/rprev-dev
Estimating Disease Prevalence from Registry Data

counted_prevalenceCount prevalence from registry data.
draw_incident_populationSimulates an incident population according to a specific...
extract_covarsReturns the name of the covariates in the registry data set...
fixed_cureBuilds survival models for diseases with cured fractions...
plot.incdiagVisualise disease incidence.
plot.survfit.prevPlot bootstrapped survival curves.
predict_survival_probabilityPredicts survival probability for given individuals at...
prevalenceEstimate point prevalence at an index date.
prevsimSimulated patient dataset.
rprevrprev: Estimate disease point prevalence using a combination...
sim_prevalenceEstimate prevalence using Monte Carlo simulation.
summary.survfit.prevObtain N-year survival probability estimates.
survfit.prevalenceForm bootstrapped survival curves.
test_homogeneityInspects disease incidence for its compatibility with a...
test_prevalence_fitTest simulated prevalence fit.
UKmortalityGeneral population survival data.
validate_incidence_modelTests custom incidence models
validate_survival_modelTests that a custom survival object has the required...
stulacy/rprev-dev documentation built on May 7, 2021, 4:17 a.m.