Man pages for stumash1/HorsePackage
Horse Racing Data and Payout Calculator

add_multipliersGenerate a column of multipliers from the odds provided by...
boxCalculates the probability of a box bet being successful
exactaCalculates the probability of an exacta bet being successful
generate_psoddsGenerate psodds ('pdeudo odss') columns for finishing in 1st,...
HorsePackageHorsePackage: Crunch the Numbers Before Heading Down to the...
plot_oddsPlot horse's odds of winning first, second, and third, or...
psodds_firstGenerate a column of the odds of each horse winning from the...
psodds_secondGenerate a column of the odds of each horse coming in second....
psodds_thirdGenerate a column of the odds of each horse coming in third.
trifectaCalculate the odds that a bookie will likely give for a...
stumash1/HorsePackage documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:35 p.m.