Man pages for subugoe/hybridmdpackage
Crossref Metadata Compliance

accumulate_pred_transRun predicates transitively
auth_crAuthorise crossref requests
auth_mailjetAuthorise mailjet requests
ccDiagnose Creative Commons Licensing
cr_compliance_overviewGet compliance overview
cr_funder_dfGet funder list from Crossref metadata
cr_has_orcidCheck for ORCIDs
cr_tdm_dfGet text-mining links from Crossref metadata
cr_works2Get Crossref Works
deployAppSaioDeploy metacheck to Wraps rsconnect::deployApp
doi_examplesDOIs included in the package for testing and illustration
emailSend metacheck results as an parametrised email
emailReportEmail Report through a Shiny Module
funder_metricsFunder metrics
get_compliant_ccExtract records with compliant CC license metadata
get_cr_mdGet Crossref metadata from API
get_delayed_licenseExtract records with license delay
get_license_mdExtract and normalize license info from Crossref metadata
ind_table_to_gtGT representation of compliance overview table
license_checkExtract and validate Crossref license metadata
mcAppShiny webapp for metacheck
mcControlsEnter metacheck controls through a shiny module
mc_langsAvailable languages for metacheck
mc_long_docsLong translations for metacheck
mc_predicatesMetacheck custom predicates
mc_translatorTranslations for metacheck
md_data_attachmentMake Spreadsheet attachment Creates an excel spreadsheet with...
metacheck-packagemetacheck: Crossref Metadata Compliance
metrics_overviewMetacheck metrics overview
pipePipe operator
pretestsPretest acceptable DOIs
reportReport Metadata Compliance
runMetacheckStart web application
tdm_metricsTDM MIME-Type metrics
vor_issueExtract records with CC license not applied to version of...
subugoe/hybridmdpackage documentation built on Jan. 25, 2022, 9:51 p.m.