
Defines functions sangerCoxSurv

Documented in sangerCoxSurv

#' Fit Cox survival to all variants in a .vcf.gz file from Sanger imputation 
#'  server
#' Performs survival analysis using Cox proportional hazard models on imputed
#'  genetic data stored in compressed VCF files. 
#' @param vcf.file character(1) path to VCF file. This file needs to accompanied 
#' with an index file (.tbi file).
#' @param covariate.file matrix(1) comprising phenotype (time, event) and
#'  additional covariate data. 
#' @param id.column character(1) providing exact match to sample ID column
#'  from \code{covariate.file}
#' @param time.to.event character(1) string that matches time column name
#'  in pheno.file
#' @param event character(1) string that matches event column name in pheno.file
#' @param covariates character vector with matching column names in pheno.file
#'  of covariates of interest
#' @param inter.term character(1) string giving the column name of the covariate
#' that will be added to the interaction term with SNP (e.g. \code{term*SNP}).
#'  See details.
#' @param print.covs character(1) string of either \code{"only"}, \code{"all"} 
#'  or \code{"some"}, defining which covariate statistics should be printed
#'  to the output. See details.
#' @param sample.ids character vector with sample ids to include in analysis
#' @param info.filter integer(1) of imputation quality score filter
#'  (i.e. 0.7 will filter info > 0.7)
#' @param maf.filter integer(1) filter out minor allele frequency below
#'  threshold (i.e. 0.005 will filter MAF > 0.005)
#' @param chunk.size integer(1) number of variants to process per thread
#' @param out.file character(1) string with output name
#' @param verbose logical(1) for messages that describe which part of the
#'  analysis is currently being run
#' @param clusterObj A cluster object that can be used with the \code{parApply}
#'  function. See details.
#' @details 
#' Testing for SNP-covariate interactions:          
#' User can define the column name of the covariate that will be included in the
#'  interaction term. 
#' For example, for given covariates \code{a} and \code{b}, where \code{c} is
#'  defined as the \code{inter.term} the model will be:
#' \code{~ a + b + c + SNP + c*SNP}.
#' Printing results of other covariates:       
#' \code{print.covs} argument controls the number of covariates will be printed
#'  as output. The function is set to \code{only} by default and will only print
#'  the SNP or if an interaction term is given, the results of the interaction 
#'  term (e.g. \code{SNP*covariate}). Whereas,  \code{all} will print results
#'  (coef, se.coef, p.value etc) of all covariates included in the model.
#'  \code{some} is only applicable if an interaction term is given and will print
#'  the results for SNP, covariate tested for interaction and the interaction 
#'  term. User should be mindful about using the \code{all} option, as it will
#'  likely slow down the analysis and will increase the output file size. 
#' User defined parallelization:  
#' This function uses \code{parApply} from \code{parallel} package to fit models
#'  to SNPs in parallel. 
#' User is not required to set any options for the parallelization. 
#' However, advanced users who wish to optimize it, can provide a cluster object
#'  generated by \code{makeCluster} family of functions that suits their need and
#'  platform.
#' @return 
#' Saves two text files directly to disk:  
#' \code{.coxph} extension containing CoxPH survival analysis results.  
#' \code{.snps_removed} extension containing SNPs that were removed
#'  due to low variance or user-defined thresholds.   
#' @examples 
#' vcf.file <- system.file(package="gwasurvivr",
#'                        "extdata",
#'                        "sanger.pbwt_reference_impute.vcf.gz")
#' pheno.fl <- system.file(package="gwasurvivr",
#'                         "extdata",
#'                      "simulated_pheno.txt")
#' pheno.file <- read.table(pheno.fl,
#'                          sep=" ",
#'                          header=TRUE,
#'                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' pheno.file$SexFemale <- ifelse(pheno.file$sex=="female", 1L, 0L)
#' sample.ids <- pheno.file[pheno.file$group=="experimental",]$ID_2
#' sangerCoxSurv(vcf.file=vcf.file,
#'               covariate.file=pheno.file,
#'               id.column="ID_2",
#'               sample.ids=sample.ids,
#'               time.to.event="time",
#'               event="event",
#'               covariates=c("age", "SexFemale", "DrugTxYes"),
#'               inter.term=NULL,
#'               print.covs="only",
#'               out.file="sanger_example",
#'               info.filter=0.3,
#'               maf.filter=0.005,
#'               chunk.size=50,
#'               verbose=TRUE,
#'               clusterObj=NULL)
#' @importFrom survival Surv coxph.fit
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMeans2
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom stats pnorm complete.cases
#' @import parallel
#' @import VariantAnnotation
#' @export

sangerCoxSurv <- function(vcf.file,
    coxSurv(createSangerCoxSurv(vcf.file = vcf.file,
                                  covariate.file = covariate.file,
                                  id.column = id.column,
                                  time.to.event = time.to.event,
                                  event = event,
                                  covariates = covariates,
                                  out.file = out.file,

suchestoncampbelllab/survivR documentation built on March 10, 2021, 1:21 p.m.