Man pages for sumtxt/datatools
Functions I use a lot when working with data in R

cumsum1Cumulative sum of uninterrupted '1'
encode_naEncode missing values as category and/or add missing data...
encode_stringEncode a string vector into a set of numeric vectors
expand_dfExpand a data.frame
make_idCreates a unique, numeric ID sequence based on a set of...
make_series_idCreates a unique ID for all uninterrupted series in a vector
ordered_factorCreates an ordered factor based on order of another variable
QFunction to discretize a variable based on a selected...
qmodeValue occuring most often (simple mode)
rem_sparse_catRemove sparse categories
set_baseRescales vector to base value
standardize2Standardize a Vector
sum0Sum of Vector Elements with alternative empty-set definition
topcodeTop-coding values in a vector
sumtxt/datatools documentation built on Jan. 3, 2021, 1:39 a.m.