crossval: Generate sequence of indices for cross-validation

View source: R/crossval.R

crossvalR Documentation

Generate sequence of indices for cross-validation


Generates and returns sequence of object indices for each segment in random segmented cross-validation


crossval(cv = 1, nobj = NULL, resp = NULL)



cross-validation settings, can be a number or a list. If cv is a number, it will be used as a number of segments for random cross-validation (if cv = 1, full cross-validation will be preformed), if it is a list, the following syntax can be used: cv = list('rand', nseg, nrep) for random repeated cross-validation with nseg segments and nrep repetitions or cv = list('ven', nseg) for systematic splits to nseg segments ('venetian blinds').


number of objects in a dataset


vector with response values to use in case of venetian blinds


matrix with object indices for each segment

svkucheryavski/mdatools documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 2:24 p.m.