madras: Madras Longitudinal Schizophrenia Study data

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Data from a study of the natural history of schizophrenia. First-episode patients had disease symptoms recorded monthly for up to 12 months following initial hospitalization.




A matrix containing 8 variables (columns) and 922 observations (rows) measured on a total of 86 patients.


id: a vector that identifies the clusters which correspond to the binary response vector given by y. \itemy: the binary response vector for presence or absence of schizophrenic symptoms \itemmonth: symptom measurements were collected over the course of 12 months (0,...,11) following the initial hospitalization for schizophrenia \itemage: a binary indicator for age at onset (1 = age < 20 years old) \itemgender: 0 = male, 1 = female \itemmonthXage: an interaction term (cross product) of month and age \itemmonthXgender: an interaction term (cross product) of month and gender \iteminitial: an indicator variable for month = 1 allowing alpha1 to be used in lag-2 transition models for both the second-order model and the initial state


Thara, R., Henrietta, M., Joseph, A., Rajkumar, S., and Eaton, W. (1994). Ten year course of schizophrenia - The Madras Longitudinal Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica \bf 90, 329-336.

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