InstallCourses: Installing Courses

Description Details See Also


swirl is designed so that anyone can create interactive content and share it with the world or with just a few people. Users can install courses from a variety of sources using the functions listed here. Each of these functions has its own help file, which you can consult for more details.


If you're just getting started, we recommend using install_course to install courses from our official course repository. Otherwise, check out the help file for the relevant install function below.

You can uninstall a course from swirl at any time with uninstall_course.

Uninstall all courses with uninstall_all_courses.

See Also

Other InstallCourses: install_course_directory(), install_course_dropbox(), install_course_github(), install_course_google_drive(), install_course_url(), install_course_zip(), install_course(), install_from_swirl(), uninstall_all_courses(), uninstall_course(), zip_course()

swirldev/swirl documentation built on Jan. 17, 2020, 6:28 p.m.