Man pages for syberia/syberiaMungebits2
syberiaMungebits2 (

discretizerDiscretizer function
drop_percent_missingDrop columns with over a certain percent missing.
drop_single_value_variablesDrop features with only one non-NA value.
drop_variablesDrop variables.
imputerImpute a column by mean
is.mungebit_generatorWhether or not a function is a mungebit generator.
mungebit_generatorsAll mungebit generators exported by the syberiaMungebits2...
mungebit_templateCreate a mungebit template from an expression.
new_variableCreates a new variable in the dataframe.
numeric_to_factornumeric to factor helper function
ordererOrder a dataframe by a column
remove_outliersremove outliers based upon a z_score threshold z_score=> (x -...
renamerRename columns in a dataframe
replace_variableReplaces a variable in the dataframe.
restore_categorical_variablesRestores categorical variables, allowing you to predict.
select_rowsSelect rows in a dataframe.
select_variablesSelect variables in a dataframe.
syberiaMungebits2Common feature engineering preparation using mungebits2.
truncatorConstrain a numeric column to the range [min,max] of the...
trunc.digi.e trunc.dig(5.732 , digits = 1) => 5.7
value_replacerReplace arbitrary values in your data
syberia/syberiaMungebits2 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:42 p.m.