Man pages for synth-inference/synthdid
Synthetic Difference-in-Difference Estimation

ar2_correlation_matrixcompute the correlation matrix of a time series generated by...
california_prop99California proposition 99
decompose_YDecompose Y into components F, M, and E as described in...
did_estimatesynthdid_estimate for diff-in-diff estimates. Takes all the...
estimate_dgpEstimates the DGP parameters used in the placebo studies in...
fit_ar2Estimate ar2 coefficients from iid time series
format.synthdid_estimateFormat a synthdid object
jackknifeJackknife standard error of function 'theta' at samples 'x'.
lindsey_density_estimateComputes a density estimator by smoothing a histogram using...
panel.matricesConvert a long (balanced) panel to a wide matrix
plot.synthdid_estimatePlot a synthdid object
print.synthdid_estimatePrint a synthdid object
randomize_treatmentrandomize treatment to n units with probability pi then if...
sc_estimatesynthdid_estimate for synthetic control estimates. Takes all...
simulate_dgpSimulates data from DGPs used in the placebo studies in...
sparsify_functionA function mapping a numeric vector to a (presumably sparser)...
summary.synthdid_estimateSummarize a synthdid object
synthdid_controlsOutputs a table of important synthetic controls and their...
synthdid_effect_curveOutputs the effect curve that was averaged to produce our...
synthdid_estimateComputes the synthetic diff-in-diff estimate for an average...
synthdid-packagesynthdid: Synthetic Difference-in-Difference Estimation
synthdid_placeboComputes a placebo variant of our estimator using...
synthdid_placebo_plotFor our estimator and a placebo, plots treated and synthetic...
synthdid_plotPlots treated and synthetic control trajectories and overlays...
synthdid_rmse_plotA diagnostic plot for sc.weight.fw.covariates. Plots the...
synthdid_seCalculate the standard error of a synthetic diff in diff...
synthdid_units_plotPlots unit by unit difference-in-differences. Dot size...
timestepsGet timesteps from panel matrix Y
vcov.synthdid_estimateCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model...
synth-inference/synthdid documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 7:21 a.m.