
setMethod("show", "ldlasso",
  cat( "Secret ldlasso object.\n" )
  # a place holder for the show method of ldlasso
  ## cat( "s1 = ", object@s1, ", ", sep = "" )
  ## cat( "s2 = ", object@s2, ", ", sep = "" )
  ## cat( "r2 = ", object@r2, "\n", sep = "" )
  ## cat( "\n" )
  ## cat( nrow(object@geno), "subjects and", ncol(object@geno), "SNPs\n" )
  ## if( length(object@beta) == 0 ){
  ##   cat( "\nNo solution.\n")
  ## }else{
  ##   cat("\nIndices of selected SNPs:\n")
  ##   cat( which( abs(object@beta) > 1e-6 ), "\n" )
  ## }
  ## cat("genotypes:\n")
  ## print(head(object@geno))
  ## if(nrow(object@geno) > 6)
  ##   cat("...\n\n")
  ## cat("phenotypes:\n")
  ## print(object@pheno)
  ## cat("\n")
  ## cat("beta:\n")
  ## print(object@beta)
syounkin/LD-LASSO documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:47 a.m.