
pacman::p_load(dplyr, ggplot2, googlesheets, openxlsx)

Prepare the OAuth token and set up the target sheet.


shiny_token <- gs_auth()
#saveRDS(shiny_token, "shiny_app_lol_token.rds")

Into the App...

# googlesheets::gs_auth(token = "shiny_app_lol_token.rds")
# sheet_key <- "1qIPAnsvFh23IZJl-5tfYPc1SnYrbApJ82sXfA4acuaw"
# ss <- googlesheets::gs_key(sheet_key)

Upload data

If you have a big dataframe use gs_upload_big. Speed up big data uploads by csv upload...

gs_upload_big <- function(tbl, data){
  # speed up big data uploads by csv upload
  file_name <- paste0(tbl, ".xlsx")
  openxlsx::write.xlsx(data, file = file_name)

    file = file_name, 
    sheet_title = tbl

gs_upload_big("mtcars1", mtcars)

If you only want to initialize a data sheat with some entries use gs_upload

gs_upload <- function(tbl, data){
  out <- gs_new(
    input = data, 
    trim = T
gs_upload("mtcars2", mtcars)

Get data

id <- gs_title("mtcars")
sheet_key <- id$sheet_key 
#id %>% gs_browse()
mtcars <- id %>% gs_read()

Append data

gs_append_row <- function(tbl, row){
  tbl %>% gs_add_row(input = row)
gs_append_row(id, mtcars[1,])
gs_append_rows <- function(tbl, data){
  data %>% 
    split(1:nrow(.)) %>% 
    purrr::walk(~gs_append_row(tbl, .x))

gs_append_rows(id, mtcars[1:5,])
#id <- gs_title("no_label")
#id %>% gs_browse()
#no_label <- gs_read(id)

Shiny Modules

## authentification
googlesheets::gs_auth(token = "google_paraboost_token.rds")
sheet_key <- "1ZTifdHQe5Tg96-MAwj4Xs2UuonNYSFHwHgn-gfgnBIo"
with_label <- googlesheets::gs_key(sheet_key)

systats/lolR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:17 p.m.