Man pages for syyang93/yangR
R package with Stephanie's functions

add_keyAdds key information to qPCR data
addPOadjustAdjusts for pipetting order
assignPOAssigns pipetting order based on well position
count_nasCounts the number of NAs in a vector
ddpcr_processShapes the ddPCR data into a better format for ggplot
density_rugFunction that makes a ggplot density plot with a rug on the...
filterRPPHFilters out samples that have CT.RPPH1 > 5SD away from mean
filterSDFilters out samples that have deltaCTs with a standard...
find.outliersFunction that will find outliers in a vector (default: > 3 SD...
formatbetaFunction that formats betas to look nice
formatpvalFunction that formats betas to look nice
getAllDupsShapes the ddPCR data into a better format for ggplot
getDeltaCTReads qPCR data into a dataframe
getFinalMeansGets the final means after adjusting for pipetting order
getMeanSDGets the mean and standard deviation of deltaCT for each...
getRanksPerforms rank-order analysis on qPCR triplicates....
give.nAllows boxplots to output the number of observations for each...
lookFunction that gives you the first five columns and first five...
lookndFunction that will look at the ND1 copies in ddPCR data
look.residLooks at the residuals vs. predicted values for a model
lookrpphFunction that will look at the RPPH1 copies in ddPCR data
make.forestplotFunction for pretty forestplots, adapted from Ryan
make.quartilesFunction to make quartiles from a column within a dataframe...
make.quintilesFunction to make quintiles from a column within a dataframe...
mydiag.panelFunction for making fancy correlation matrices, adapted from...
omit.outliersFunction that will find outliers in a vector (default: > 3 SD...
panel.corFunction for plotting cor values onto a correlation matrix
plot_lmPlots xvar against yvar, and title is the P-value
read_qpcr_dataReads qPCR data into a dataframe
sampleGroupFunction for sampling, taken from stackoverflow
substrRightTakes the last n characters of a string. Taken from:...
twolinesFunction for making fancy correlation matrices, adapted from...
syyang93/yangR documentation built on March 1, 2021, 4:55 p.m.