induce_infiltration_time: Calculate the critical time at which stream transitions from...

View source: R/induce_infiltration_time.R

induce_infiltration_timeR Documentation

Calculate the critical time at which stream transitions from gaining to losing.


Calculate the critical time at which stream transitions from gaining to losing.


induce_infiltration_time(d, S, Tr, Qa, Qw)



distance from well to stream [L]


aquifer storage coefficient (specific yield if unconfined; storativity if confined)


aquifer transmissivity [L2/T]


ambient groundwater inflow rate per unit length of stream [L2/T]


well pumping rate [L3/T]


This calculates the critical time at which induced infiltration due to groundwater pumping begins, based on the glover model of streamflow depletion. Derived in Chen (2003) Eq. 4.


  • Groundwater flow is perpendicular to stream

  • Horizontal flow >> vertical flow (Dupuit assumptions hold)

  • Homogeneous, isotropic aquifer

  • Constant Tr: Aquifer is confined, or if unconfined change in head is small relative to aquifer thickness

  • Stream is straight, infinitely long, and remains in hydraulic connection to aquifer

  • Constant stream stage

  • No changes in recharge due to pumping

  • No streambank storage

  • Constant pumping rate

  • Aquifer extends to infinity

  • Stream fully penetrates through aquifer

  • No streambed resistance to flow (see hunt or hantush for streambed resistance)


A numeric of tc, the critical time at which induced infiltration begins [T].


Chen, X (2003). Analysis of Pumping-Induced Stream-Aquifer Interactions for Gaining Streams. Journal of Hydrology 275(1): 1-11. doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(02)00320-7


# recreate Figure 2 in Chen (2003)
Qa <- c(0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.001)
tc <- induce_infiltration_time(d = 575, S = 0.2, Tr = 100*15, Qa = Qa, Qw = 2727)
plot(x = (pi * Qa * 100 * 15 * 575 / 2727), y = tc, log = "y")

szipper/streamDepletr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 4:10 a.m.