knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
# This chunk creates the plausible but fake data for the vignette library(igraph) library(igraphdata) library(interference) data(USairports) agraph <- as.undirected(USairports) amat <- as_adj(agraph, sparse=FALSE) igraph::write_graph(agraph, './airports_undirected.csv', format='edgelist') outcomes <- make_dilated_out(amat, make_corr_out, seed=0, hop=1, multipliers=NULL) tr_vector <- make_tr_vec_permutation(nrow(amat),0.2,R=1,seed=4224) exposure <- make_exposure_map_AS(amat, tr_vector, hop=1) obs_outcome <- rowSums(exposure*t(outcomes)) vars <- data.frame(id=1:755, treatment=tr_vector[1,], y=obs_outcome) fwrite(vars, './airports_vars_hop1.csv') outcomes <- make_dilated_out(amat, make_corr_out, seed=0, hop=2, multipliers=NULL) exposure <- make_exposure_map_AS(amat, tr_vector, hop=2) obs_outcome <- rowSums(exposure*t(outcomes)) vars <- data.frame(id=1:755, treatment=tr_vector[1,], y=obs_outcome) fwrite(vars, './airports_vars_hop2.csv')
network <- read_graph('./airports_undirected.csv', format='edgelist', directed=FALSE) adj_matrix <- as_adj(network, sparse=FALSE)
In order to use an adjacency matrix with interference
, it must be symmetric (i.e. correspond to an undirected graph), and have all zeros on the diagonal (i.e. no self-edges).
Make sure that there are no entries different to 0 in the diagonal of the matrix.
diag(adj_matrix) <- 0
Make sure that the matrix is symmetric.
Load the variables file, which contains the outcomes and treatment indicator:
vars <- read.csv('./airports_vars_hop1.csv')
Remove isolates from the network, and from the variables data frame:
non_isolates <- which(rowSums(adj_matrix)>0) print(non_isolates) print(length(non_isolates)) print(nrow(adj_matrix)) adj_matrix <- adj_matrix[non_isolates, non_isolates] vars <- vars[vars$id %in% non_isolates,]
In this case, there is only one isolate.
Compute the exposure probabilities, using the AS (Aronow-Samii) exposure mapping (2008, p. 1930, AoAS):
num_replicates <- 1500 prop_treated <- 0.2 N <- nrow(adj_matrix) potential_tr_vector <- make_tr_vec_permutation(N, p=prop_treated, R=num_replicates, seed=4224) exposure <- make_exposure_map_AS(adj_matrix, vars$treatment, hop=1) obs_prob_exposure <- make_exposure_prob(potential_tr_vector, adj_matrix, make_exposure_map_AS, list(hop=1))
my_estimates <- estimates(exposure, vars$y, obs_prob_exposure, n_var_permutations = 1000, control_condition='no')
The return value of this function contains the values of a number of different estimators:
$\hat{\tau}{HT}(d{11},d_{00})$, $\hat{\tau}{HT}(d{10},d_{00})$, and $\hat{\tau}{HT}(d{01},d_{00})$, the Horvitz-Thompson estimators for each exposure condition. It also contains the variances of these estimators, as well as their constant-effects variance estimators:
my_estimates$tau_ht my_estimates$var_tau_ht my_estimates$var_tau_ht_const_eff
$\hat{\tau}{H}(d{11},d_{00})$, $\hat{\tau}{H}(d{10},d_{00})$, and $\hat{\tau}{H}(d{01},d_{00})$, the corresponding Hájek estimator, and their variances:
my_estimates$tau_h my_estimates$var_tau_h
First load the variables file, which contains the outcomes and treatment indicator, and remove isolates from the variables data:
vars <- read.csv('./airports_vars_hop2.csv') vars <- vars[vars$id %in% non_isolates,]
Compute the exposure probabilities, using a type of AS (Aronow-Samii) exposure mapping that assumes second order degree interference:
exposure <- make_exposure_map_AS(adj_matrix, vars$treatment, hop=2) obs_prob_exposure <- make_exposure_prob(potential_tr_vector, adj_matrix, make_exposure_map_AS, list(hop=2))
my_estimates <- estimates(exposure, vars$y, obs_prob_exposure, n_var_permutations = 1000, control_condition='no')
Get the values of the Horvitz-Thompson estimators and their variances:
my_estimates$tau_ht my_estimates$var_tau_ht my_estimates$var_tau_ht_const_eff
Get the values of the Hájek estimators and their variances:
my_estimates$tau_h my_estimates$var_tau_h
In this case, $\hat{\tau}{HT}(d{110},d_{000})$, $\hat{\tau}{H}(d{110},d_{000})$ and their variances are NA
because there are no units in the $d_{110}$ exposure condition.
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