
A R package with useful calculations for endurance-strength of ferrous materials. Developed based on a course at TU Darmstadt.


Rainflow Matrix

Rainflow Matrix: Denotes the stress cycles with the from and to categories. Counting each cycle with the [i,j] position. To get the individual connections the 4-point algorithm is used.

Inputs: - stress values: 2 coloumn data-frame with order-id / time-stamp and stress values - n - Amount of categories to be used

Returns: - n x n Matrix


reduced_test_data <- rainflow(time_series, n = 16)


Rainflow Plot (2D - Tile)

A 2D tile plot, based on the rainflow matrix, showing the distribution of the external stress.

Woehler Curve (S-N-Curve)

Standard Woehler curve.

tabassco/woehleR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:22 p.m.