
#' Null matrix creator
#' Creates null matrices based on the constraints of the null model algorithm
#' ('method'). Also allows for null matrices with a species that occurs at no
#' sites, or a site without any species to be removed from the suite of
#' simulated null matrices. This function borrows heavily from the
#' commsimulator() function in the 'vegan' package, but also allows for the
#' fixed-fixed null model.
#' 'method' is the null model algorithm used to create the null matrices. The
#' choice of a null algorithm is nontrivial. Leibold & Mikkelson advocated the
#' use of equiprobable rows and columns (provided that rows and columns had at
#' least one entry). This method is called 'r00'. Methods maintaining row
#' (site) frequencies include 'r0','r1' & 'r2', whereas species (column)
#' occurrences are preserved with fixed column methods such as 'c0'. The
#' default method argument is 'r1', which maintains the species richness of a
#' site (row totals) and fills species ranges (columns) based on their marginal
#' probabilities. Arguably the most conservative null algorithm is the fixed
#' row - fixed column total null, which can be attained using many of swap
#' algorithms described in the vegan package (sequential methods like 'tswap',
#' 'swap', and non-sequential 'quasiswap' and 'backtracking'). Other
#' randomization methods are also available. See the help file for 'commsim',
#' or Wright et al. 1998 for more information.
#' @param comm community data in the form of a presence absence matrix
#' @param sims number of simulated null matrices to use in analysis
#' @param method null model randomization method. See details below.
#' @param ordinate logical. Would you like to ordinate the null matrices?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param scores Axis scores to ordinate matrix. 1: primary axis scores
#' (default) 2: secondary axis scores. See Details.
#' @param allowEmpty logical argument indicating whether to allow null
#' matrices to have empty rows or columns
#' @param verbose Logical. Prints a graphical progress bar that tracks the
#' creation of null matrices. Useful for conservative null models on large
#' and/or sparse data.
#' @param seed seed for simulating the null model. Null matrices should be repeatable.
#' @return rmats -- A list of length(sim) containing the null matrices
#' @author Tad Dallas and John Lefcheck
#' @export
#' @seealso nullmodel(), permatfull(), commsim()
#' @references J. Oksanen, F.G. Blanchet, R. Kindt, P. Legendre, P.R. Minchin,
#' R.B. O'Hara, G.L. Simpson, P. Solymos, M.H.H. Stevens and H. Wagner (2012).
#' vegan: Community Ecology Package. R package version 2.0-4.
#' http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vegan
#' @keywords ordination
#' @examples
#' #define an interaction matrix
#' data(TestMatrices)
#' intmat <- TestMatrices[[7]]
#' #creation of the null matrices
#' nulls <- NullMaker(intmat, sims=100, method='r1')

NullMaker = function (comm, sims = 1000, method = "r1", 
  ordinate = FALSE, scores = 1, 
	allowEmpty = FALSE, 
  verbose = FALSE, seed=1){

    if(verbose == TRUE){ 
        pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sims, style = 3)

    nm <- nullmodel(comm, method = method)
 		sm <- simulate(nm, nsim = sims, seed=seed)
 		sm.list <- lapply(seq(dim(sm)[3]), function(i) sm[, , i])

    if(verbose == TRUE & allowEmpty == TRUE){
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(sm.list))

    if(allowEmpty == FALSE){
        sm.list <- lapply(sm.list, function(i){
						if (any(colSums(i) == 0) | any(rowSums(i) == 0)){
        sm.list[sapply(sm.list, is.null)] = NULL
		if(verbose == TRUE){setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(sm.list))}

    while(length(sm.list) < sims){ 
        spares <- simulate(nm, nsim = max(sims/10, 1))
        spares.list <- lapply(seq(dim(spares)[3]), 
					function(i){spares[,, i]})
        spares.list <- lapply(spares.list, function(i){
            if (any(colSums(i) == 0) | any(rowSums(i) == 0)){ 
        spares.list[sapply(spares.list, is.null)] <- NULL
        sm.list <- append(sm.list, spares.list)
        if(verbose == TRUE & length(sm.list) <= sims){ 
          setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(sm.list))
        if(length(sm.list) >= sims){
          sm.list <- sm.list[1:sims]

    if (ordinate == TRUE){
	    sm.list <- lapply(sm.list, OrderMatrix, scores = scores)
		if(verbose == TRUE){ 
	    setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(sm.list))
taddallas/metacom documentation built on April 25, 2023, 12:01 a.m.