sracppfull: Compute the sequential rank agreement between k ranked lists

View source: R/RcppExports.R

sracppfullR Documentation

Compute the sequential rank agreement between k ranked lists


Computes the sequential rank agreement (number of items present in all k lists divided by the current rank) for each rank in the k lists


sracppfull(rankMat, type = 0L, epsilon = as.numeric(c(0)))



A matrix with k columns corresponding to the k ranked lists. Elements of each column are integers between 1 and the length of the lists


The type of distance measure to use: 0 (the default) is the variance while 1 is MAD (mean absolute deviation)


A non-negative numeric vector that contains the minimum limit in proportion of lists that must show the item. Defaults to 0. If a single number is provided then the value will be recycles to the number of items.


A vector of the same length as the rows in rankMat containing the sequential rank agreement between the lists for each depth (squared for type=0)


Claus Ekstrøm <>

tagteam/SuperRanker documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 5:18 p.m.