rdm_mapper: Visualizes the resistance to dispersal over a landscape, for...

View source: R/rdm_mapper_v9_TF_TQ.R

rdm_mapperR Documentation

Visualizes the resistance to dispersal over a landscape, for individuals in a population


rdm_mapper: Reads in the resistance to dispersal for individuals of a population, over a grid of cells defining the landscape containing the individuals, and then creates a raster map of resistance.


  p_signf = 0.05,
  p_size = 2,
  p_col = "yellow",
  disp_all_cells = 0,
  disp_contours = 1



A data frame containing eight columns with resistance information for each grid cell in a landscape. Each row corresponds to one cell, and the eight different columns refer to the resistance, the number of intersecting line segments (lines connecting pairs of individuals in the landscape), the x and y coordinates specifying the location of the mid-point of the cell, the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval for the resistance, the sign of the product of the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval, and the percentile of the null distribution of resistances corresponding to the observed resistance. A .csv file with this information is produced by the function rdm_resistance.


A string specifying the path to a text file showing the name (1st column) and geographical x and y coordinates (2nd and 3rd columns) of each individual (each row). The first row needs to specify the column headings, and all entries need to be tab-delimited.


Specifies the percentiles of the null distribution of resistances used to define areas of high and low resistance that are statistically significant. In a grid cell, a resistance value that is above the 100*(1-p_signf)% percentile is considered to be a high resistance that is statistically significant, whereas a resistance value that is below the 100*(p_signf)% percentile is considered to be a low resistance that is statistically significant. Default value of 0.05.


Specifies the size of the sampling points in the plotted raster map of resistances. Default value of 2.


Specifies the color of the sampling points in the plotted raster map of resistances. Default color is yellow.


Specifies whether to display all cells (1) or just cells with resistances that are statistically different from zero (0). For a further description of the meaning of resistances that are statistically different from zero, please refer to the description of the function rdm_resistance. Default value of 0.


Specifies whether to display red and green contour lines that delineate areas with statistically significant high and low resistance values respectively (1), or not (0). For a further description of the meaning of a statistically significant high or low resistance value, please refer to the description of the function rdm_resistance. Default value of 1.


Function plots a map of resistance, but does not return an output object.


F.df <- read.csv("files/resistance_map.csv") 
rdm_mapper(F.df, "files/coordinates.txt")

takfung/ResDisMapper documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 8:36 a.m.