Man pages for talbertc-usgs/NABatR
R Tools for Accessing and Manipulating North American Bat Monitoring Data

build_ac_docBuild Report document in .docx file for Acoustic Stationary...
build_col_docBuild Report document in .docx file for Colony Count Data
build_grts_plotBuild Plot for GRTS or Sites Acoustic Stationary Count data
get_acoustic_bulk_wavsGet Acoustic stationary bulk upload template dataframe for a...
get_acoustic_project_summaryGet a Project's Stationary Acoustic Summary Data
get_acoustic_stationary_reportBuild Report .html file for Acoustic Stationary Project Data
get_all_species_counts_longBuild a Long Species count Dataframe at GRTS level for Manual...
get_colony_bulk_countsGet Winter colony count bulk upload template dataframe for a...
get_grts_dataNABat GRTS Cell Data Access Function
get_grts_frame_nameGet the GRTS Frame name based on project_id and project_df
get_grts_leaflet_mapBuild leaflet map for Acoustic Stationary report in CONUS
get_grts_shpBuild shapefile from GRTS IDs
get_grts_shp_dfBuild polygons dataframe from GRTS IDs
get_nabat_banding_by_statesGet Bat banding data for States
get_nabat_gql_tokenNABat login to NABAt Database GQL
get_observed_nightsObserved nightly observations for NABat stationary acoustic...
get_projectsSearch NABat Projects
get_project_surveysGet a project's Stationary Acoustic Surveys (DEPRECIATED) see...
get_refresh_tokenNABat login to NABAt Database GQL and get access_token
get_spdf_from_polys_dfBuild spatial polygons dataframe from GRTS shape dataframe
get_speciesGet the bat species lookup table
get_species_counts_longBuild a Long Species count Dataframe at GRTS level
get_species_counts_wideBuild a Wide Species count Dataframe
get_wfs_layer_nameReturn the wfs layer name from the WFS associated with a SB...
grts_lookup_dfNABat GRTS lookup list with csvs of coordinates for all GRTS...
move_colMove Column in dataframe to other Column location
normalize_grid_framenormalize the passed grid_frame name to allow for flexibility...
rename_acoustic_dfReturn the acoustic dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
rename_colony_dfReturn the colony dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
rename_geoms_dfReturn the geometry dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
rename_project_dfReturn the project dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
rename_species_dfReturn the species dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
rename_survey_dfReturn the survey dataframe renamed with appropriate field...
talbertc-usgs/NABatR documentation built on April 22, 2020, 8:23 p.m.